Thakurdwara, Moaradabad (Uttar Pradesh)

About Us

Welcome to SDPS Thakurdwara

Dear parents and students,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our website. Keeping pace with the fast changing world is a new challenge. Besides the three r’s-reading. Writing and arithmetic, 21st century ski the 4c’s-creativity,critica thinking,counication and coaboration have become necessary.

After lots of rasearch ,we have come up with a furturistic curriculum which gives scope to the students to work ib team,soveprobems and collaborate with rest of world. SDPS Thakurdwara strives to ensure whoesome participation in creating a earning environment where every chid is abe to reach their full potential.

Hopefully this website gives you ots of inforation about the are encouraged to check our website regulary.

Looking forward to serve you always...